A strangely
behaved hen has appeared in Jiang Su Province, China. The strangeness
began when the hen was learning to walk, the hen’s owner noticed that
it walked exactly like a Penguin – it stood straight up while walking,
and forgot how to fly back to the roof-top chicken coop with the other
chickens, and can only stay on the ground alone.
According to the owner, the hen was bought in the Spring, and when it was young and learning to walk stood out from the others, and now walks just like a Penguin. The more the owner watched the hen’s unique walk, the more they came to like her, and now treat the hen just like a pet.

According to the owner, the hen was bought in the Spring, and when it was young and learning to walk stood out from the others, and now walks just like a Penguin. The more the owner watched the hen’s unique walk, the more they came to like her, and now treat the hen just like a pet.
