Monday, February 13, 2006
把夢想找到 要過得更好 | |
Sunday, February 12, 2006
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如果追求是苦 這是堅強還是執迷不悟 | |
Saturday, February 11, 2006
STEAL FROM SIUCHING 原本很想去聽,不過唔記得左,很衰仔 昨日一個令我震撼的講座 講者是一位日本人, 高裹菜穗子小姐。2004年4月,她隻身遠赴伊拉克,救助當地的流浪兒童 世界似乎被分開很多部分, 只是隔一個海洋, 甚至一條河, 生命就可以如此的不同。菜穗子小姐在我面前激動地說著, 他們不能有選擇, 生於伊拉克是他們能選擇麼? 你知道伊拉克小朋友每天一覺醒來會聞到什麼嗎?是死人的氣味。在他們吃早餐就已聞到死人的氣味。你能想像嗎? 在菜穗子小姐身上, 我看到勇敢和堅強。她說, 我一定會在美國政府重建伊拉克前重建伊拉克。的而且確, 愛其他國家的人比愛你自己國家的人更難。 美國人認為伊拉克人是敵人, 伊拉克人認為美國人是敵人, 到底誰才是真正的敵人?其實每個人的無知才是最大的敵人。 | |
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
GOOD START 興奮到想哭 前面的路 也許真的並不太清楚 放心地走了以後 也許會覺得辛苦 也許會想停也停不住 | |
如果失去是苦 你還怕不怕付出 如果墜落是苦 你還要不要幸福如果迷亂是苦 再開始還是結束 如果追求是苦 這是堅強還是執迷不悟 | |
Friday, February 03, 2006
希望以後每個節日都唔使病 唔想再扒響度睇煙花 | |
Thursday, February 02, 2006
計下都成五六年無買過演唱會既VCD 今次一次過買左三買 一set三隻 ![]() 遲下想買埋張學友之前果隻 | |
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
sometimes this world just make me sick | |
Monday, January 23, 2006
I Love the 80s -- Kobe Makes History
By Darren Misener
Jan. 22 -- This time he played all four quarters.
"It hasn't really sunk in yet," Bryant said after the game. "We had four days off coming up and I would have been sick as a dog if we lost. It turned into something very special." Special doesn't do it justice. Bryant drilled 28 shots from the field, including seven from three-point land and went 18-20 from the charity stripe. There are few words to describe that kind of line. The man himself had a tough time grasping it. "I couldn't even dream of this when I was a kid, not even in my dreams." Bryant said. "It's tough to explain, it just happened man." Kobe scored 55 points in second half alone. That's more than anyone other than Kobe has scored in the NBA this season -- for an entire game. The 55 was also just four shy of Chamberlain's record for points in a half. Kobe obliterated the Lakers all-time scoring record -- 71 set by Elgin Baylor in 1960. Only four players in NBA history had even scored over 70 points in a game, and none of those are named Michael Jordan. Chamberlain, Baylor, David Thompson and David Robinson were the only people to crack 70 until now -- you can add KB to that list. After the game Lakers great Magic Johnson gave Bryant a call to congratulate him on the performance, a gesture that will leave a lasting effect. "Talking to Magic after the game meant more to me than the 81 points," Bryant said. "Him calling me after the game meant more than the points." STAPLES Center was electric with chants of MVP for Bryant as he drilled his 80th and 81st points from the free throw line, points that put his name second on this list.
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
最大的敵人是惰性 | |
Thursday, January 19, 2006
內疚 不斷的摸索自己 企圖改變一些嘆息 我知道你對我的期許 是將來眼光的抵御 你今日無助的詞句 都帶著明日的訊息 我知道你對我的心意 而我就是有心無力 我還有什麼可以給你,我不斷的問自己。 我不斷的想,不斷的在找尋。 我知道你一直都辛苦 為我默默地付出 就算流淚也不承認你哭 我是身在福中不知福 所以我用盡我的全部 來告訴你我沒有認輸 還有什么可以給你 我的爹娘我的父母 還有什麼可以給你 我的爹娘我的父母 | |
Monday, January 16, 2006
甚麼人會一邊嘀咕著它的價格高昂 一邊不斷供給? | |
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
每只螞蟻 都有眼睛鼻子 它美不美麗 偏差有沒有一毫厘 有何關系 每一個人 傷心了就哭泣 餓了就要吃 相差大不過天地 有何刺激 有太多太多魔力 太少道理 太多太多游戲 只是為了好奇 還有什么值得 歇斯底里 對什么東西 死心塌地 一個一個偶像 都不外如此 沉迷過的偶像 一個個消失 誰曾傷天害理 誰又是上帝 我們在等待 什么奇跡 最后剩下自己 舍不得挑剔 最后對著自己 也不大看得起 誰給我全世界 我都會懷疑 心花怒放 卻開到荼蘼 一個一個一個人 誰比誰美麗 一個一個一個人 誰比誰甜蜜 一個一個一個人 誰比誰容易 又有什么了不起 | |
都是因為一路上 一路上 大雨曾經滂沱 証明你有來過 可是當我閉上眼 再睜開眼 只看見沙漠 哪里有什么駱駝 背影是真的人是假的 沒什么執著 一百年前你不是你我不是我 悲哀是真的淚是假的 本來沒因果 一百年后沒有你也沒有我 | |
Monday, January 09, 2006
哈 爛泥扶唔上柄 | |
Monday, January 09, 2006
oh really?![]() | |
Thursday, January 05, 2006
![]() 天黑了 路沒法廷續到黎明 我的思念一條條舖在 那個灰色小鎮的街頭 你們似乎不太習慣 沒有藍色的鴿子飛翔 wo................... | |
Monday, January 02, 2006
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chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick
chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick
chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick
chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick chark chick
chark chick chark chick chark chick chark![]() | |