2007年9月25日 星期二

25 SEP 2007

Outstanding chemist Professor Albert Lee wins ACP Lectureship award
化學系李慧明教授獲頒ACP講學獎   明年到訪日本三大學巡迴演講

Professor Albert Lee is honoured with the ACP Lectureship award
Professor Albert Lee, Chair Professor of Chemistry, was awarded the Asia Core Programme (ACP) Lectureship at the 2nd International Conference on Cutting Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia, held in Busan, Korea from 2 to 6 September, 2007. He will be invited to undertake a one-week ACP Lecture Tour in Japan next year, when he will lecture at three leading universities.
Professor Lee was chosen as the Lectureship winner - sponsored by ACP - based on his overall research profile and outstanding presentation at the Conference of his research paper entitled, "Adventure in the Syntheses of Symmetric and Asymmetric Molecules".
Professor Lee is pleased that his research has gained recognition: "I look forward to the academic exchange with Japanese scholars whose research is of a high standard ?as is generally the case with organic chemistry research conducted by Asian scientists.
"Whereas in the past we met at international conferences to exchange ideas and views, this Asian conference gave us an opportunity to work together at home. Asian scientists?concerted efforts will ensure that the region makes significant contributions at the cutting edge of organic chemistry study in the years to come."
The ACP is the initiative of a group of Asia's leading synthetic chemists from Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Its objective is to promote innovative research areas by organising international conferences which further academic exchange.

化學系講座教授李慧明教授於九月二日至六日在韓國釜山舉行的「第二 屆亞洲前沿有機化學國際研討會」上,獲頒亞洲核心計劃(Asia Core Programme)創立的講學獎 (ACP Lectureship)。他將於明年應邀訪問日本三所大學,作為期一周的巡迴演講。
李 教授很高興獲獎,因為研究工作得到肯定。他說:「日本的研究水平很高,能夠與日本學者交流,實在令人興奮。其實亞洲在前沿有機化學研究方面水平很高,以往 我們在國際性的會議上交流,今次的亞洲研討會是個契機,讓我們能夠集中亞洲力量,令亞洲在此科研領域上再上層樓,作出貢獻。」

