2018年10月28日 星期日


昨天早上美國又發生槍擊案。在賓州Pittsburgh一名疑ani-Semitic的中年白人男人, 在當地猶太人社區的會堂(tree of life synagogue)附近, 用手槍向途人射擊, 致11人死亡, 六人受傷。傷者中兩人是接報到場的警員, 另兩人是特種部隊。
一如以往的支持槍械論調, Trump對槍擊案第一個回應, 就是歸疚會堂缺乏帶槍的保安, 導致未能阻止兇徒犯案。所以近年美國不斷上升的大規模無目的殺戮, 原因並非槍械氾濫, 而是槍械使用未夠普及所致。“If they had protection inside, the results would have been far better. If they had some kind of protection within the temple it could have been a much better situation. They didn’t. This is a case where if they had an armed guard inside they may have been able to stop him immediately, maybe there would have been nobody killed, except for him maybe.”
倒是想問, 受傷的兩名警員和兩名特種部隊有否帶槍? 裝備和訓練是否比兇手, 或者一般市民好得多? 那為甚麼四人在對抗中還能受傷? Trump所謂有帶槍保安就能阻止這記無預警槍擊案, 是否完全是一句bullshit?
這些年來最讓人心灰意冷, 愈來愈傾向佛系的原因是, 對社會中無盡的bullshit和荒謬無能為力, 不管邏輯如何混亂, 只是是從有權有勢的人口中說出, 就能成為真理, 許多人不經思考就全盤接受。連作為教師多年, 有教通識的母親都是一樣。
President Trump Says 'Results Would Have Been Far Better' If Pittsburgh Synagogue Had Armed Guard http://flip.it/EIrraY

