2016年3月3日 星期四

3 March 2016

Wind calm, sky clear, no special activities. Training hours approaching the minimum check requirement and I feel on track. More and more I can work on my own while training officers sit back and relax. It's a big contrast to what I've experienced a few years ago. And now when I look back those days I do blame that my training wasn't made easier. CFU A was always over-reacting and over-controlling, while CFU D was harsh and highly demanding. But both of them were at least eager to teach. The learning experience from CFU J was severely discounted due to his very average ability. But even worse was his irresponsible attitude. For some reason he gave me a couple of "U"s, stand for unsatisfactory, at a rather late stage of the training. That would be a favor I must return some time.

Leonardo Dicaprio has finally won an Oscar with his highly acclaimed performance in Revenant. The word Revenant is quite often translated as revenge in Hong Kong which aroused inaccurate expectation. Revenant, however, means one that returns after death or long absence. In the movie it is a double entendre, referring to both the memories of Hugh Glass's deceased wife and the revenge of him taken on Fitzegerald, who ditched him (while badly injured) in the wild and killed his son.

22 years of blood and tears paid off. Worth the wait, we might say, but an Oscar may not mean that much to him nowadays, especially when he is awarded with numerous Golden Globe and other Academy Awards already. But surely its grateful to have finally escaped from the mocking and teasing from 9gag.

